There are number of things you should factor in before you buy yourself a mobile sink . After all, if you’re going to pay top dollar for a portable basin, you might as well get one that offers you the most value. Here’s a rundown of those factors:
Power options
Do you need to plug it in? This might make it a bit inconvenient to pack along especially if you’re going to places where there aren’t any outlets available. If you really want to take advantage of a mobile sink, go for ones that run on propane or battery. That way, plugging in isn’t going to be an issue anymore.
Number of sinks
Depending on what your purpose is, you could choose from units that have one, two and even three sinks. Three sinks are a requirement for food safety compliance and sanitation so if you have a food stand or sandwich stall business you’re planning to get started, opt for the three-sink basin. If that’s not the case, then going for one could be just right for you.
It’s important to get the features you need, depending on the type of mobile sink you’re buying. For instance, portable science lab sinks are going to be different from a standard hand washing unit. So keep those differences in mind. Know what you want and let that steer your buying decisions.
Right size
If you have kids, then getting the kid-friendly sinks are a better option. These can come in a different color too to make them more appealing and fun to use for your kids.
At Monsam Enterprises, we believe in providing you with everything you need. So if you want sinks especially designed right down to the last detail, no worries. We welcome your requests. Talk to us about what you need and we’ll do our best to get you the kind and quality of portable sinks you want.
Don’t forget to ask about warranty when you buy your portable sink. A good warranty coverage could spare you a lot of time and trouble in case something goes wrong.
Customer service
You’re going to deal with a representative from the company at some point, whether it’s to fix an issue, clarify one or inquire about something else. So better pick the company known for its exceptional customer service.
So if you’re buying a mobile sink, make sure to keep these things front and center. If you want to place an order now, call us!